Overcoming Chronic Fatigue, Illness, and Its Pain, Anxiety & Depression
There are so many troubling accounts of pain and depression from long-term chronic illness – often from malabsorption. Unfortunately, very little has been available to help these individuals until now. By analyzing health and medical issues through cellular voltage measurements, breakthrough energy therapies have been developed that have helped chronically ill individuals overcome their conditions and become well again.
Cellular voltage is the electricity that operates the cell’s metabolic and immune functions. Years ago, after the FDA certified instruments to measure the voltage of the cells, researchers found that a cell’s voltage measurement provided an exact snapshot of an individual’s health. Basically, when an individual gets sick, the voltage momentarily goes down and the brain draws from the body’s reserve of “Bio-Negative Energy” and sends it to elevate the cell’s voltage, which provides healing. Once the cells heal, the voltage goes back to normal. The accepted cellular voltage measurement testing established by the medical community are:
- Very High voltage indicates extremely healthy.
- High voltage indicates optimum health.
- Medium voltage indicates average health.
- Low voltage indicates below-average health.
- Extremely low voltage indicates very poor health, chronic illness, extensive inflammation, pain, disease and many medical issues.
When cellular voltage measures extremely low, metabolic and immune functions cannot operate properly. This occurs when the body does not have any reservoir of Bio-Negative energy (donor electrons) to lend to the cells to heal. As a result, the sick cells do not have adequate voltage to heal and become stuck and inflammation [positively charged) runs rampant throughout the body causing pain, fatigue, and the many conditions of chronic illness along with its accompanying anxiety and depression.
The BIG problem with extremely low voltage is the Catch-22 condition of “Cellular Malabsorption.” When the cells reach such a low voltage level, they do not have enough energy to pull in the necessary electrolytes and nutrition in order to increase their voltage so they can heal. The cells literally become “stuck” in an extremely low energy mode preventing them from healing and resulting in chronic illness.
There are a number of ways cells lose their voltage/energy and get stuck: sometimes from catching a bug while already sick which was using up the Bio-Negative reservoir. Sometimes an accident will shock and traumatize the body or the constant stress of chemical / EMF / mold toxicity depreciates the voltage/energy.
Whatever triggers the major loss of Bio-Negative energy, literally reduces the cellular voltage/energy throughout the body (systemically) keeping the individual chronically ill for long periods of time with no contemporary treatment or therapy available until now.
Energy Supplementation for Chronic Illness
BiomagScience first tested the cellular voltage on long-term, chronically ill individuals and learned about the medical conditions that were common to malabsorption such as constant pain from inflammation: CFS, brain fog, disorientation, Fibromyalgia, Candida, gastrointestinal issues (Colitis, Gastritis) and many other medical conditions such as arthritis.
In addition to these medical issues, malabsorption also prohibits taking supplements – the ability to absorb micro-nutrients, often making the individual even more sick with a toxic overload reaction. For years, there was no therapy and everything tried, made the individual sicker resulting in constant pain, anxiety and the depression that develops from being chronically ill for so long.
The Solution
BiomagScience has found a solution to malabsorption and its terrible results. By carefully and properly supplementing voltage increases (“Baby Steps” therapy) in the cells through its advanced therapy applications, the cells take on immediate voltage increases resulting in long-term chronically ill individuals healing and becoming well again.
Simple to apply, all BiomagScience advanced therapy applications and can be done in the comfort of your home. Here is an example of a chronically ill individual:
History: The subject, a 53 yr. old female has a history of extreme pain, chronic fatigue, candida, and fibromyalgia that incapacitated her and kept her bedridden for 25 years. She had malabsorption and had been under the care of a multitude of practitioners who have not been able to help her. She even tried using improperly designed magnets and electromagnetic pulsed therapy, but nothing worked.
She tested for chemical poisoning (perhaps the original “trigger”) which also meant she was very toxic – common to malabsorption because the cells do not have the energy to detoxify fully. Due to her malabsorption, she could not take any supplements; even a slight nutritional supplementation created an overload and threw her body into a crisis.
During the last three years prior to the BiomagScience therapy, her cellular voltage was extremely low despite multiple therapies, including a custom nutritional program. The subject’s inability to absorb or detoxify made it impossible for her health to improve and most therapies made her ill.
BiomagScience therapies: The subject first used the lower CVS (back of the neck) therapy to slowly initiate an increase in energy so she did not detoxify too quickly. Her cellular voltage points went up 25% the first hour, then after a number of days of the CVS, she did the BiomagScience Daytime, Nighttime, and MET (Meridian Energy Therapy) therapies while also drinking Bio-Negative Energized water. Within a month of the first application, the subject was able to start resuming a normal life.
Note: The OGE (Organ Group Energizing) therapy, which was not available at the time of her therapy, is now recommended after the initial “Baby Steps” lower CVS therapy. The OGE helps uniformly energize and balance all the primary organs and their associated glands to help in rapid wellness progression. Once OGE therapy is concluded, then the subsequent therapies [stated above] are applied.
Her dynamic improvement was monumental as the subject had been unable to perform the most basic activity for 25 years, including standing for any period of time without severe pain. The chemical poisoning that she had suffered from, resulted in the blockage of important pathways, and since she did not have the cellular voltage electromotive energy in her cells to metabolize correctly her health was stuck in that toxic pattern for 25 years.
Her chronically stuck, low-charged cellular voltage was immediately elevated by the BiomagScience therapy to a functioning state. The new energy re-started the cell’s natural ionic forces to be able to absorb electrolytes and micronutrients resulting in increased metabolic and immune function which started her healing on the road to full recovery. Within a month, she had her life back and went back to her favorite activity of singing and song writing with a band. A year later [after 25 years in bed], she was playing competitive tennis.
Energy testing and remarkable case results under Research on the BiomagScience site show how proper energy therapy elevates cellular energy and immune functions for overcoming critical health issues.
The above case indicates a particular segment of medical issues that do not have allopathic treatments, but now have Energy Medicine therapy to help heal and overcome pain. Used daily as an adjunct to naturopathic and allopathic medicine, BiomagScience supplemental energy supports prevention, increased vitality, and continued wellness.
The BiomagScience Wellness Kit is specifically recommended for chronic illness. It has all the necessary equipment and all the instructions and the award-winning Conquering Pain therapy book to perform all of the advanced therapies for over 180 simple and complex medical conditions such as chronic illness.
The Wellness Kit’s separate “Baby Steps” protocol [soon to be in the Wellness Kit’s Pictorial Guide] also on pg 186 under Chemical Exposure in the Conquer Pain book, is first used with anyone with a long-term chronically sick condition. Once the “Baby Steps’ energy uptake is achieved, then Advanced Therapies [also in the Pictorial Guide] are applied. The Pictorial Guide explains the exact step-by-step protocols, for helping resolve the chronic illness.
It has been found that during the periods of Fibromyalgia pain (muscle cramping, inflammation, shooting electric shocks, etc.), no hGH (human growth hormone) is found in the blood. In view of the importance of hGH in mitosis and of people reporting immediate pain relief from hGH supplementation during the initial energy therapy, it is our thesis that the absence of hGH is what causes Fibromyalgia. The lack of hGH production by the chronically ill with malabsorption has shown to resolve once the body’s energy is elevated.
BiomagScience recommends its Ultimate Supplement during the initial therapy period to augment the healing and help overcome the lack of hGH in the system. It has proven to help considerably overcome the pain of fibromyalgia until the system heals.
BiomagScience Recommendation
BiomagScience recommends the Wellness Kit. It contains the A-Z Book/Manual, Pictorial Guide, all the various sized Biomagnets, Water Energizers, liquid Oxygen, bandage and step-by-step protocols necessary for to help resolve over 180 simple to painfully acute injuries, chronic illness, and such medical conditions as Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Candida, MS, Lupus, Malabsorption, etc.
BiomagScience recommends doing the Advanced Therapies on Page 8 of the Pictorial Guide to help rebuild and revitalize the system to support the healing of any chronic condition, such as an illness or joint repair.
The Wellness Kit is considered by many worldwide as the most important first aid kit to have in the home for those aches, pains, bruises, sprains, burns, bites, or any major health issues that can occur in daily life. It provides the best overall supplemental energy for your family’s daily wellness. Every home should have one for better health and increased longevity.