Arthritis Pain and Aches are finally gone with Biomagnet Therapy
Biomagnetic therapy is the use of magnetism to increase cellular vitality for the therapeutic benefit of pain relief, healing and increased vitality. Using magnetism for health goes back thousands of years when people used the natural magnetism of lodestones. A number of decades ago, NASA found that until they put a magnetic field like the Earth in the spaceships, the Astronauts developed health problems.
It has been clinically shown that correct Biomagnetic therapy reduces pain and helps resolve many health conditions. Arthritis is a condition that many people have successfully overcome with biomagnetic therapy.
How Magnetic Therapy Overcomes Arthritis
What is arthritis? It is the pain from inflammation occurring in the joints generally from two types: Osteoarthritis which causes cartilage — the hard, slippery tissue that covers the ends of bones where they form a joint — to break down and Rheumatoid arthritis which is an autoimmune disorder that first targets the lining of joints (synovium).
BiomagScience, a Pennsylvania Magnetic Health Research Company with over 4 decades of worldwide research and development in energy medicine, has established the understanding of how low cellular energy creates arthritis. Known as MDS (Magnetic Deficiency Syndrome), it is condition of the body having below normal cellular voltage.
The body which is made of up billions of cells is like a human battery; when it is charged up, it functions well without aches, pain or illness. But when conflicted with the low cellular voltage of MDS, the cell’s metabolism starts to dysfunction and as a result, creates conditions like arthritis, lupus, fibromyalgia, etc.
To overcome bad health conditions from MDS, proper biomagnetic [supplemental energy] therapy quickly helps increase the body’s energy (cellular voltage). Scientific trials and clinical case studies have proven that patients suffering from osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis experienced immediate and long term pain relief from proper energy supplementation.
BiomagScience has developed successful protocols that have quickly reduced and eliminated the inflammation and pain of arthritis and many other conditions. BiomagScience recommends using certified medical magnets and advanced protocols such as the Organ Group and Meridian Energizing therapies to achieve the fastest results. Using these advanced therapies, clinical studies have shown cellular voltage increases of over 100 points in an hour whereas a specialized diet developed by a nutritionist normally only achieves a 50 point increase in about six months.
As the late and great Phillip Schaeffer, former Director of the Royal Society of Medicine, who lived into his 90’s, said about his longevity: “I attribute my longevity to wearing BiomagScience’s Daytime therapy for the last 20 years. I haven’t had any aches or pain and it is the reason that I have lived so long and so healthy.” He was so excited about BiomagScience therapies for health, that he devoted a special chapter to it in his book The Longevity Code, a master guide to long life and healthy living.
When you look at the scientific before and after pictures of the blood terrain under Research on the BiomagScience site, you’ll immediately understand why Phillip is so excited about daily energy supplementation.
If you are looking for a Biomagnetic Pain Relief Kit, BiomagScience offers a number of choices. From the simple Pain Relief Vitality Kit to the Master Wellness Kit which has everything for family vitality and therapies for over 180 A-Z painful, acute and chronic conditions, BiomagScience has the right choice. To find out more about the science of Biomagnetic therapy, see their award winning Magnetic Pain Relief Therapy Book Conquering Pain, The Art of Healing with Biomagnetism which also comes in the Wellness Kit.
Arthritis Pain and Aches are finally gone with Biomagnet Therapy
“I am a 70 year old man who has advanced diabetes and arthritis. These conditions have severely limited my mobility for several years. Even with raised seats, it was still a struggle for me to get up out of a chair. The BioMagnets first went on my knees and hips and soon the pain subsided and in two days I was able to raise myself out of my chair without using my arms and hands as levers. My wife has a sleep disorder as well as other general aches and pains. She has been using the Institute (BiomagScience®) BioMagnets as directed for depression and sleep, including the ones on the top of her head and has slept well the past few nights. She has also suffered an ache in her left foot for over two years.. She immediately put one magnet on the top of her foot and the pain subsided instantly. She was absolutely ecstatic. We are today using the magnetized water, the Ultimate Supplement and doing the therapies. We feel t his has improved our overall general well being and feeling of vitality. Spreading the word to some relatives has prompted them to order some BioMagnets also. We feel confident, they will have the same positive reaction we have experienced. Keep up the good work. We are definitely impressed and feeling better than we have in quite some time, even years.” Merrill W. – California
Arthritis Resolved
“I wanted to thank you for giving me the opportunity to help myself. Over the years I have heard of others getting Arthritis, and have showed compassion to them in their difficulties, but never really knew what they were feeling. A couple of months ago I was sure I had broken a bone in my hand, somehow. It hurt so bad I could not even move my thumb. I went to the emergency room, they ran x-rays and tests only to find out that I too have arthritis. I am only 50 years old, I could not believe it. Well sometimes when you are open to other peoples suggestions, you can benefit. It always helps to have an open mind no matter what. So a person who is in my circle gave me a couple of these BiomagScience “rare earth magnets” and I tried them. At first, no way, it actually hurt worse. But after reading the literature and directions and speaking to him again I realized I had placed them incorrectly. So for another try I went…… and THEY WORK. I wore the magnets for a couple of days and have not had pain in that area again. A month later, my hip at the joint area hurt terribly. I immediately put the magnets back on…. and no more pain. I believe that for me with the arthritis, these magnets are the answer. Thank you so much for giving me relief.” D.G. – Texas
BiomagScience Recommendation
BiomagScience recommends the Wellness Kit. It contains the A-Z Book/Manual, Pictorial Guide, all the various sized Biomagnets, Water Energizers, liquid Oxygen, bandage and step-by-step protocols necessary for to help resolve over 180 simple to painfully acute injuries, chronic illness, and such medical conditions as Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Candida, MS, Lupus, Malabsorption, etc.
BiomagScience recommends doing the Advanced Therapies on Page 8 of the Pictorial Guide to help rebuild and revitalize the system to support the healing of any chronic condition, such as an illness or joint repair.
The Wellness Kit is considered by many worldwide as the most important first aid kit to have in the home for those aches, pains, bruises, sprains, burns, bites, or any major health issues that can occur in daily life. It provides the best overall supplemental energy for your family’s daily wellness. Every home should have one for better health and increased longevity.