Fibromyalgia Resolved with Energy Medicine
One hour BiomagScience Therapy leads to recovery after 25 years of Fibro & Pain
Clinical Testing
Fibromyalgia & Energy Medicine
We have worked with women who have had Fibro and they have gotten over it completely.. Here is one case in point: a woman who was in bed for 25 years with Fibro and a lot of pain. She tried everything allopathic and alternative including useless magnets. Within an hour of BiomagScience therapy, she started healing. Within a year she was playing competitive tennis. The terrible thing about Fibromyalgia is the lack of cellular energy [voltage] to metabolize efficiently and thus the inability to heal and overcome the inflammation that is causing the pain cannot be accomplished. The big problem is the cellular energy reaches such a low electromotive level that it becomes stuck with malabsorption. Malabsorption is when the cells do not have enough [voltage] energy to pull in the electrolytes to increase their energy so they can function properly – literally “STUCK.” Even taking supplements or drugs during this time often causes a toxic event (stress) as the cells do not have enough energy to process them. With the energy level so low, the metabolism is stuck, normal functions cannot take place, and the immune system barely works: The body is “STUCK.” Perhaps some of the most painful issues of this condition is the constant pain from electrical shock flare-ups and muscle cramping. If you test your blood for hGH during the flare-ups, you will find it almost non-existent. When the system is so low in cellular electromotive energy, it cannot produce hGH which is a catalyst of cell division and the lack of it creates these painful issues. So what do you do?.. how do you raise the energy (voltage) since supplementation and drugs cannot do it?… Use Energy Medicine to directly raise the voltage of the cells so the immune function starts, the pain stops, and normal metabolic functions occur and Wellness is accomplished. What do you need?.. Get a BiomagScience Wellness Kit and a bottle of hGH Ultimate Supplement. In the kit. Use the hGH immediately to start dormant cellular functions. Go to the Conquering Pain Book in the Wellness Kit and start the EMF baby steps on pg 191 so you do not detox too fast (Herxheimer response) and then follow the Fibromyalgia therapies on pg 193 in the book and start total pain relief and rebuild your energy so the Fibro will go away. Although it takes 4-6 weeks normally to overcome the condition, it is reported that a lot of the pain and many of the symptoms are greatly reduced right away. Please see Overcoming Chronic Illness, its Pain, Anxiety & Depression, then follow the Acute/Chronic Advanced Therapies on page 8 of the Wellness Kit Pictorial Guide.
Bedridden for 25 years, Semi-immobilized Woman starts to heal, now playing competitive tennis
After just one hour of the lower CVS BioMagnetic treatment, her cellular electromotive cellular energy increased enough to start healing her year illness.
“I’ve been using the Foundation [BiomagScience] Biomagnets, their Ultimate Supplement (HGH) and Oxygen Product for almost a year, and I have experienced a lot of benefits from them.
I am 54 and have had chronic right knee pain, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue syndrome for over 25 years possibly from Lyme disease… worn down and despairing from the years of illness and disability. These three [BiomagScience] products have been life changing for me. I wear the Biomagnets on my right knee and upper back, and sleep on a Foundation sleep pad. My knee, back and overall pain is greatly diminished and my functioning and ability to exercise are close to normal. The Ultimate Supplement and Oxygen product have greatly improved my energy level and overall feeling of well-being, so my functioning is further improved.
A recent hormone test showed mostly normal levels. The same test a year and a half ago showed one of the worst results (especially with adrenal function) my practitioner had seen in a lot of years! The test showed my adrenal functions stays within the normal range all through the day.
Eight months later, after hearing on a [BiomagScience] Forum call about a man who kept the Meridian Energizing Treatment (MET) on for quite a few hours, I decided to try wearing it for a full hour. And, since I didn’t really have the time to just lay down for an hour, I taped the magnets on and went about my chores at home. Right away, I noticed a clearing – sinuses opening up – literally feeling the blockages opening up and a subtle flow of energy in my body. I’ve been doing this a number of days now, and feel that it’s generally beneficial for my health.
The professionals at Foundation for Magnetic Science have been very helpful and kind to me, taking the time to explain the products and how best to use them. Thank you for helping me to get my life back! I am now playing competitive tennis again.”
M.W., Mass
The Wellness Kit contains everything necessary for Fibromyalgia with the exception of BiomagScience’s Amino Acid Complex (Ultimate Supplement) which is suggested supplementation to support healing fibromyalgia.
BiomagScience Recommendation
BiomagScience recommends the Wellness Kit. It contains the A-Z Book/Manual, Pictorial Guide, all the various sized Biomagnets, Water Energizers, liquid Oxygen, bandage and step-by-step protocols necessary for to help resolve over 180 simple to painfully acute injuries, chronic illness, and such medical conditions as Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Candida, MS, Lupus, Malabsorption, etc.
BiomagScience recommends doing the Advanced Therapies on Page 8 of the Pictorial Guide to help rebuild and revitalize the system to support the healing of any chronic condition, such as an illness or joint repair.
The Wellness Kit is considered by many worldwide as the most important first aid kit to have in the home for those aches, pains, bruises, sprains, burns, bites, or any major health issues that can occur in daily life. It provides the best overall supplemental energy for your family’s daily wellness. Every home should have one for better health and increased longevity.