Kidney Transplant Canceled – Renal Failure Healed
BiomagScience OGE Therapy Prevents Life-Threatening Condition
BiomagScience – Saved from Dying of Sepsis
The following resolved case of renal failure with appendicitis is reported by Prof. Dr. Anthony James, a Practitioner and very learned Educator who runs various schools of alternative medicine. If you are interested in his courses, his contact information is below the case.
Appendicitis is a very painful condition, but renal failure causes death unless the person has a kidney transplant or is lucky and knows BiomagScience’s OGE (Organ Group Energizing) therapy. The OGE was originally developed to help awaken and heal a 91-year-old man in a terminating coma from renal failure. The OGE is now also commonly used to help normalize organ and gland dysfunction to achieve wellness.
In each case, the OGE provided the individual with the missing energy to start healing and overcome the health issues – also much easier to apply Biomagnets.
Personally, when you see your own beloved father come back to life from a terminating coma that the attending medical doctor told you was the “End,” it makes you feel good to have created the therapy. My centenarian father wears the CVS and Sternum placement which provides the daily energy supplementation he needs for his active, healthy life.
Click here for Dying of Sepsis full story.
Dr. James, life-threatening Condition:
“One of my Grads had a life-threatening condition that started out with a severely enlarged appendix. The emergency doctors were going to operate immediately when they discovered she was in Renal failure. They then stopped the surgery and referred her to have a Kidney transplant, lol.
I talked to her and consulted with her while she was in the hospital.
To make a long story short, I recommended she get out as soon as possible and start a Holistic protocol, including using your magnets and the Organ [OGE] Balancing setup. She did so., and she is still alive and well today. Her most recent test results were clear and normal in both renal function and markers; no more swelling is apparent in the appendix, and there is no sign of remaining infection.”
Dr. James
P.S. I / We recommend your [BiomagScience] book and products every chance we get. I am still using them in the Biomagnetism curriculum here at the American College of Natural Medicine in Central Florida. All the best, Be well, Dr. Anthony B. James
Prof. Anthony B. James MSc.(Clinical Herbology), DNM(C), ND(T), MD(AM), DOM(Acu), DPHC(h.c.), Ph.D. (IM), Ph.D. (Hospitaller Medicine h.c.), DMM, RAAP, UTTS, MSGR./CHEV., Ordained Native Monsignor, Native Bishop, Eastern Orthodox Catholic Church of the East in Brazil,
Dean, Professor, Director of Education and Traditional Medicine
Native American Indigenous Church, INC (NAIC)
American College of Natural Medicine
The Thai Yoga Center
NAIC Inc. is an IRS 508c(1)(A) FBO/ Church/ Tribal Organization
5401 Saving Grace Ln. Brooksville, FL 34602
Tel: (706) 358-8646 (Cell)
Fax: (352) 397-2365
Woken from Coma – Pancreatitis is able to heal with BioMagnet Therapy
“I was in a coma, dying from Pancreatitis. Horrified, my son asked the doctor if he could try an Advanced BioMagnetic Therapy. The doctor said ‘try anything you want.’ Biomagnets were applied and within 2 days I regained consciousness. It’s been over a year since using BiomagScience BioMagnets. I’m alive, happy, very healthy and continue to use BioMagnets to maintain my vitality.”
(Case on file)
Awoken from terminating septic shock coma
A 91-year-old man’s kidneys failed and his dialysis could no longer be done, so he slipped into a septic shock coma. Just before he was about to terminate, the Organ Group Energizing (OGE) therapy was applied and instead of terminating, he woke up and started healing. He lived on for approximately six months without the need of dialysis as his kidneys healed and functioned. Then he peacefully died in his sleep after indicating that he wanted to pass on to be with his wife who had died many years before. This case is responsible for the creation of the OGE therapy, which has been an extraordinary therapy in helping with cases of chronic illness.
BiomagScience Recommendation
BiomagScience recommends the Wellness Kit. It contains the A-Z Book/Manual, Pictorial Guide, all the various sized Biomagnets, Water Energizers, liquid Oxygen, bandage and step-by-step protocols necessary for to help resolve over 180 simple to painfully acute injuries, chronic illness, and such medical conditions as Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Candida, MS, Lupus, Malabsorption, etc.
BiomagScience recommends doing the Advanced Therapies on Page 8 of the Pictorial Guide (OGE- Organ Group Energizing Therapy & the MET – Meridian Energizing Therapy) to help rebuild and revitalize the system to support the healing of any chronic condition, such as renal failure, illness or joint repair.
The Wellness Kit is considered by many worldwide as the most important first aid kit to have in the home for those aches, pains, bruises, sprains, burns, bites, or any major health issues that can occur in daily life. It provides the best overall supplemental energy for your family’s daily wellness. Every home should have one for better health and increased longevity.