Instant Relief from Asthma

I haven’t had a cold in 18 years, but recently just had a sinus thing that went into a cold. … I could feel it settling into my lungs and didn’t want any part of that, so I put a magnet over each upper lung, where the soreness was. There was immediate relief. It did not stop the lungs from getting the gunk, but it certainly made it easy to cough the gunk out AND kept the pain away. Since I had childhood asthma, colds always went straight for my lungs and the pain was always bad.

Instant relief from asthma

One time when I was having a bad asthma attack, I placed a BioMagnet on my sternum and immediately felt relief. Unlike drugs, that took many agonizing minutes before feeling better, the BioMagnets worked instantly. I told myself that if I ever felt uneasy about pain or any disease that came my way, the answer would be BioMagnets.

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BiomagScience recommends the Wellness Kit general and advanced therapies: OGE (organ Group Energizing), Daytime, Nightime and MET (Meridian Energizing Therapy) along with Bio-Negative Structured water daily to help the body’s biochemistry energize and balance which has shown to support healing asthma. After the advanced therapies, therapy application can be used on the lungs when necessary.

In addition, the Wellness Kit contains all the Advanced Circuit Therapy Kits and everything necessary for over 180 simple and painfully acute injuries, chronic illness and other medical conditions. It is considered by many worldwide as the most important first aid kit to have in the home for those aches, pains bruises, sprains, burns, bites, etc. It is also considered to be the best overall supplemental energy kit for your family’s daily wellness. Every home should have one.”