Severed Nerve in Knee Regenerated with Knee Circuit therapy – Walk normally again
Nerve, Tendon, Muscle Regeneration – BiomagScience Therapy “I had a very bad fall, which required extensive surgery. It left me with a painful limp and complete numbness below my knee – I couldn’t feel anything below the knee. My doctor told me there was nerve damage and I would have to live with it. I applied the Biomagnets, which took away the pain and the limp. Then I did the advanced protocol (Knee Circuit Therapy) and within a week I had feeling in my leg. The nerves regenerated and the mobility increased every day – something the doctor told me
Kidney Transplant Canceled – Renal Failure Healed
BiomagScience OGE Therapy Prevents Life-Threatening Condition BiomagScience – Saved from Dying of Sepsis The following resolved case of renal failure with appendicitis is reported by Prof. Dr. Anthony James, a Practitioner and very learned Educator who runs various schools of alternative medicine. If you are interested in his courses, his contact information is below the case. Appendicitis is a very painful condition, but renal failure causes death unless the person has a kidney transplant or is lucky and knows BiomagScience’s OGE (Organ Group Energizing) therapy. The OGE was originally developed to help awaken and heal a 91-year-old man in a
Women’s and Men’s Magnetic Bracelets Are They Safe? Are they Good for Health?
Magnetic Bracelets First: To stop the confusion of the North and South pole, Medical Magnets use the terms Negative & Positive: Ever since William Gilbert (the father of electricity) in the 1500’s called the compass’s pointer the “Seeking Pole,” engineers have put the “Seeking” mark N or S on their magnets & pole testers. The question is: What does the Seeking pole Seek = the opposite pole. That means the N on the pole tester seeks the True South Pole and the S on the tester seeks the True North Pole. In other words, the pole tester actually indicates the
Tumors Reduced with BioMagnet Therapy
Tumor Shrunk in Breast Thank you so much for the guidelines on magnet therapy in your book!I treated my sister-in-law in Toronto for breast cancer about one month before she had surgical removal of the tumor. The surgeons measured the removed tumor and compared with the images taken at the time when biopsies taken and diagnosis confirmed. They were surprised and at the same time puzzled when they realized that, rather than growing bigger, the tumor shrunk by one third!!! Marisa R, Toronto ON Ovarian Tumor Reduced with Biomagnet Therapy Miss Liu was diagnosed with an ovary tumor that needed
Importance of Drinking Energized Structured Hydrogen Water
Edit Product BiomagScience Bio-Energized Structured Hydrogen Water Jar Energizers $29.95 Add to cart Edit Product BiomagScience Bio-Negative Energized Structured Hydrogen Water Line Energizer Rated 5.00 out of 5 $34.95 Add to cart Miracle Hydrogen Water for Better Health The question is: Why does the energy water from Lourdes France or Hunza Pakistan create so many healing miracles? Because the geophysical ground has an unusual amount of natural Bio-Negative magnetism which energizes the water coming out of the ground giving it Miracle-Like health benefits. The Ohno Institute studies on the health effects of drinking energized water concur with the same findings
Overcoming Chronic Fatigue, Illness, and Its Pain, Anxiety & Depression
There are so many troubling accounts of pain and depression from long-term chronic illness – often from malabsorption. Unfortunately, very little has been available to help these individuals until now. By analyzing health and medical issues through cellular voltage measurements, breakthrough energy therapies have been developed that have helped chronically ill individuals overcome their conditions and become well again. Cellular voltage is the electricity that operates the cell’s metabolic and immune functions. Years ago, after the FDA certified instruments to measure the voltage of the cells, researchers found that a cell’s voltage measurement provided an exact snapshot of an individual’s
Father uses Biomagnets to treat daughters acne Further to the indications of Mr. Peter Kulish, my daughter start using Biomagnets purposed to cure her acne. She started with four Regular placed on each of the following organs: liver, spleen and the kidneys, together with Daytime. After one month she has started noticing results: existing spots are curing and no new pimples have arisen. Since the start of this procedure she gave up on all other creams and lotions. Only soap, water and Biomagnets. She is now confident that her problem has a solution. I wanted to share this for other
Natural Blood Thinner & Blood Pressure Therapies Help Prevent Heart Attack and Stroke
Natural Blood Thinner Therapy HelpsPrevent Heart Attack and Stroke (Section 1) Blood Pressure Reduction Therapy (Section 2) Natural Blood ThinnerSection 1 Thick Blood (Section 1): If you can’t exercise much and eat fried and processed foods, it is very normal to have thick blood or what is known as Hypercoagulated blood. Thick blood is not good for your health. It causes heart attacks and strokes and is common in people with diabetes and other related health issues. A blood thinner prescription is the first thing a doctor orders after a heart attack or stroke to immediately take the pressure off
Malabsorption – The Cause of Chronic Illness, Chronic Fatigue, Pain, Fibro, Brain Fog, Candida
Malabsorption – The Cause of Chronic Illness, Chronic Fatigue, Pain, Fibro, Brain Fog, Candida BiomagScience analyzes chronic illness as sick cells that have lost so much energy they have gone through a threshold where they form malabsorption which means they do not have the energy to absorb the necessary nutrients to heal. At this very low energy level, the cells become dysfunctional in a pattern of chronic illness such as Fibromyalgia or Lupus. Since there is no allopathic therapy to increase their energy, they remain stuck. This is where BiomagScience Energy Therapy becomes the Go-to-Therapy… Question: How does chronic illness
Why BiomagScience Therapies for Pain Relief & Vitality
BiomagScience has over 40 years of R&D in magnetic clinical applications. It has developed over 180 simple and advanced protocols to help resolve painful, acute, and chronic conditions. Its proven therapies are used by individuals and practitioners worldwide and it has provided amazing results. Important Difference of Magnets: In developing its therapies, BiomagScience integrated Physiology and its electrical measurements with Energy Medicine to understand the correct energy values of the body. Correlating the fundamental similarities, BiomagScience developed its therapies to properly amplify the body’s flow of energy and its cellular energy to assist the body in pain relief and rapid
Detoxification, Free Radical Reduction, Natural Blood Thinner with BioMagnet Therapy
Flu disappeared, Free Radicals reduced with Biomagnet Daytime Therapy click to Read more… Live Cell Microscopy Before and After Energized Blood Tests Sample 1 – Live, Pre-therapy Samples Taken Prior to Energy Therapy: This is a blood Sample 1 – taken from a finger stick of a 27 year old male July 5th, 1:36 pm with no major complaints other than some strange metallic tastes and smells. Also fatigue and irritability were noted. The red blood cells are well separated and there is ample hydration. There is also some evidence of macrocytes (larger than normal red blood cells) which can
Arthritis Pain and Aches are finally gone with Biomagnet Therapy
Biomagnetic therapy is the use of magnetism to increase cellular vitality for the therapeutic benefit of pain relief, healing and increased vitality. Using magnetism for health goes back thousands of years when people used the natural magnetism of lodestones. A number of decades ago, NASA found that until they put a magnetic field like the Earth in the spaceships, the Astronauts developed health problems. It has been clinically shown that correct Biomagnetic therapy reduces pain and helps resolve many health conditions. Arthritis is a condition that many people have successfully overcome with biomagnetic therapy. How Magnetic Therapy Overcomes Arthritis What
Lupus – Amazing results after a week of magnet therapy
“A client of mine is 43 and has suffered horribly from lupus since she was 29 years old. Last weekend, she became so ill she had to go to the emergency room, because her digestive system hardly works at all, and she suffers from severe constipation; just one of the many things that plague her because of the lupus. I turned her onto BiomagScience therapies and she has been doing meridian therapy for almost a week; following everything by the book… Within a few days of magnet therapies, her transformation has been to say the least awe-inspiring. She couldn’t even
Post PEMF Therapy Contraindication Syndrome
BiomagScience PEMF Statement: It is noted that BiomagScience’ s research about PEMF therapies on conditions other than malabsorption, is so narrow, that BiomagScience is not qualified to comment about the overall efficacy of PEMF therapy. The following report is based upon individuals who were chronically ill and then became acutely ill and extremely disoriented from PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) therapy. They contacted BiomagScience for help after reviewing its results on malabsorption and EHS (extreme hypersensitivity to mold, chemicals, and EMF) therapy. The following findings and analysis are about the Post PEMF Therapy Syndrome found in those individuals. Those affected had
Importance of the Meridians in Biomagnetic Therapy
BiomagScience’s Proper Placement on the limb Meridians of the body has been questioned through the years. This is probably because no other Biomagnet company ever mentions it. Yet, when their Biomagnet is applied on a limb and it starts to hurt, they just say ‘take it off and then put it back on a little later, over and over until it heals.’ As far as BiomagScience is concerned, increasing pain is not the way Biomagnetism works; it’s for stopping pain and supporting healing. When I first learned about Biomagnetism, I was able to make contact with the scientists in the
Psoriasis – My healing ‘miracle’ created by your Cold Water Line Energizers!!!
“For 26 years I’m living in the same house with public water supply and a good quality KDF-GAC filter for my drinking water (installed under the kitchen sink)… and I have been suffering from this “skin disease” Psoriasis (30-50% of my skin was red, with skin scales continuously flaking off). Only 10 days after these 2 blue Cold Water Line Energizers (CLE) were installed on the shower and under the kitchen sink, my psoriasis was 99% healed!!!“ G.O., New Zealand ————————- “Oh, and my neighbors saw my magnets and I told them about them and showed her your book so she
Menstrual Cramps gone with BioMagnet Therapy
“I was having painful cramps on the first day of my menstrual cycle. I applied a stack of two Regular BioMagnets over my lower abdomen and the pain went away within minutes. I also get headaches and when I get my cycle I started putting the Power Wafers on my head over the pain and within a few minutes the pain stopped.” K. NJ 2-06 “Involuntary Sneezing stopped with Biomagnet Therapy Miss Lin, the part-time administrative and accounting assistant of the Energy Medical Association, works in front of a computer monitor every day. She noticed that she would start involuntary
Vertigo Success With BioMag
“Last Tuesday I was busy in my home office getting ready for a business call when vertigo suddenly hit me hard. Slightest head or body movement made it worse. I was able to handle the call OK as long as I didn’t move; mental function was fine, fortunately. After the call I got the idea to try [BiomagScience]. As your book instructed, I applied 2 stack Power Wafers at the lower CVS (on back of neck, below skull). In about 15 minutes I noticed subtle improvement; in a few hours I was 95% normal. During my late afternoon. meditation, I
Sunburn Relief: Within half an hour I no longer felt the burn and went back to bed for a good night sleep
“I was at the beach this past weekend and enjoyed the most glorious weather but got a sunburn on my right arm. Later that night it got painful and I couldn’t fall asleep. I remembered using magnetized water with Activated Oxygen for poison ivy and figured that might help with the sunburn. I took a cup of ice cold magnetized water and added 50 drops Activated Oxygen. I soaked a paper towel in the solution and applied to the area. I repeated the soaking/application 5 to 10 times and over the towel I made circular motions with a Negative Regular
Bad Sprain mended with BioMagnet Therapy
“I had a very bad sprain to my ankle from a volleyball injury. I applied BioMagnets for three days and had no more pain or swelling.” Anonymous Broken Elbow Heals Rapidly – No pain or Swelling “I was riding my bike and over I went. About an hour later the pain really kicked in and I realized I couldn’t move my arm and every little bump sent a chill up my spine. An hour later, the hospital x-rays showed a broken elbow. The doctor put me in a sling (he told me they no longer did the cast thing) and
Involuntary Sneezing stopped with Biomagnet Therapy
“Involuntary Sneezing stopped with Biomagnet Therapy Miss Lin, the part-time administrative and accounting assistant of the Energy Medical Association, works in front of a computer monitor every day. She noticed that she would start involuntary sneezing each time she forgot to wear ‘Tsi-Bao” whereas the sneezing would disappear once she wore it. In addition, regularly wearing the “Tsi-Bao” helps eliminate all nuisances (cramps, headaches, etc.) during her period. (Tsi-Bao is Daytime Therapy over sternum.)” Coordinated by Professor Charles Yeh BiomagScience Recommendation BiomagScience recommends the Wellness Kit. It contains the A-Z Book/Manual, Pictorial Guide, all the various sized Biomagnets, Water Energizers, liquid