Acute Shingles Resolved by Practitioner with BiomagScience Protocol
Subject: Acute Painful Shingles Resolved
Testimonial Published: Practitioner on his Brother-in-law
“In May of 2018, a rash appeared on my brother-in-law’s side and he thought nothing of it and let it go for a few weeks when it started itching terribly. He showed it to his wife and she took him to the hospital. It was determined to be an advanced case of shingles.
They gave him meds which did not help. In a week or so the nerve endings were irritated and beginning to hurt; he could not sleep. He was given morphine, Percocet’s and Oxycodone for pain but he was allergic to most of that and it made him constipated so he discontinued the pain meds. He could not sleep and would walk around most of each night due to itching and pain.
I have been using BiomagScience for about a year, so I called Peter and discussed my brother-in-law’s case. We decided on a pathogen reduction therapy of strong magnetic field application and strong supplementation of liposomal vitamin C and oxygen in energized water, to kill off the varicella virus causing the shingles.
In the beginning of August, BiomagScience rare-earth powered Biomagnets were put on his spine at shoulder level where the virus congregates, and on his sternum to lyse (kill) all the virus in the blood. He started 30 drops of BOA (BiomagScience Activated Oxygen) in a glass of Bio-Negative energized water and 6 grams a day of liposomal vitamin “C” split into three times a day.
BiomagScience note: We found out the client was not responding immediately because he was spreading the liposomal Vitamin C throughout the day. We immediately explained it was necessary to take all 6 grams within 20 minutes so it would saturate the cells (load dose).
Upon his load dosing the 6 grams, in three days the rash began to fade. The pain decreased from almost a constant ten to zero to three and he could sleep at night which he had not done for weeks on a regular basis. The majority of the rash and pain was gone in 10 days.
He continued the therapy to September when all the pain resolved and he fully recovered. Thank you [BiomagScience] for sharing your knowledge and making these items available to everyone.”
Brother-in-law: H.L Practitioner: VG, New Jersey
Acute Shingles Therapy
At one time many years ago, we had developed a therapy protocol for aggressive hemihypertrophy (elephant man’s disease) which occurs from the chicken pox varicella virus. The virus had populated and was dominating the central nervous system at the site where the neck and shoulder vertebrae meet (C-7, T-1); it was creating improper neural signaling to one side of the body (hemispherical) causing improper growth.
The therapy created to reduce and to eliminate the virus was Energy therapy in conjunction with Vitamin C and oxygenated energy water. This combination has become an integral therapy for rapid resolution in resolving the coronavirus1, flu, the varicella virus of shingles & hemihypertrophy, and other types of viral conditions. Term of therapy – 2-4 weeks.
- The Strong Bio-Negative magnetic field will lyse (kill the virus by electromotively splitting its nucleus).Magnet Application: Children under 12 – apply a 2-stack of Power Wafers, adults and children 12 years or older – apply a 2-stack of Regulars Bio-Negative Green to the body:
Placement: on the spine where the neck meets the shoulder at C-7 & T1 AND on the indentation of the sternum. Wear preferably 24/7 [except for bathing] for 3-4 weeks, If it is too much energy at night to sleep, remove the sternum.
- Vitamin C (VC) is a virucide and a bactericide that kills viruses & bacteria. The breakthrough discovery of liposomal VC with its 95-99% intracellular delivery supersedes the former ineffective average 14% delivery AND can be taken at load dosing levels (formerly only by IV) without getting sick or getting diarrhea – suddenly making the therapy easy to apply in the comfort of your home. Mercola Liposomal Vitamin C is an excellent and cost-effective brand available at Amazon or 3-8 grams daily for 2 weeks depending upon weight (3g up to 60 lb., 4g up to 90 lb., 5g up to 120 lb., 6g up to 160 lb., 7g to 190 lb., 8g over 190). All the Vitamin C must be taken within 20 minutes so that the system is saturated (load dosing).
If the Vitamin C is too much to take at one time, then do one-half dosage with a glass of Bio-Negative Energy Water with +30 drops of BAO or. Then 20 minutes later, take the other half dosage with another glass of Bio-Negative Energy Water with +30 drops of BAO; or spit it in 3rds, whatever is comfortable to take within 20 minutes. This enables the proper amount of Vitamin C to saturate (load dose) the system within the 20 minutes. Apply the supplementation and energy therapy until results have been achieved (2-4 weeks).
This therapy has had the effect of reducing the symptoms and providing rapid comfort to individual. It has helped resolve many viral-related conditions.
Peter Kulish, BiomagScience
1 Coronavirus: While using the above therapy, also includes nebulizing a 1% solution of hydrogen peroxide 30 minutes, 3-4 times a day, generally eliminates the sore throat over the first 2 days, then over a 5-7 day period, has shown to test negative on the 7th – 8th day.
BiomagScience Recommendation
For more comprehensive pain relief, BiomagScience recommends the Wellness Kit. It contains the A-Z Book/Manual, Pictorial Guide, all the various sized Biomagnets, Water Energizers, liquid Oxygen, bandage and step-by-step protocols necessary for to help resolve over 180 simple to painfully acute injuries, chronic illness, and such medical conditions as Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Candida, MS, Lupus, Malabsorption, etc.
BiomagScience recommends doing the Advanced Therapies on Page 8 of the Pictorial Guide to help rebuild and revitalize the system to support the healing of any chronic condition, such as an illness or joint repair.
The Wellness Kit is considered by many worldwide as the most important first aid kit to have in the home for those aches, pains, bruises, sprains, burns, bites, or any major health issues that can occur in daily life. It provides the best overall supplemental energy for your family’s daily wellness. Every home should have one for better health and increased longevity.