Severed Nerve in Knee Regenerated with Knee Circuit therapy – Walk normally again
Nerve, Tendon, Muscle Regeneration – BiomagScience Therapy
“I had a very bad fall, which required extensive surgery. It left me with a painful limp and complete numbness below my knee – I couldn’t feel anything below the knee. My doctor told me there was nerve damage and I would have to live with it. I applied the Biomagnets, which took away the pain and the limp. Then I did the advanced protocol (Knee Circuit Therapy) and within a week I had feeling in my leg. The nerves regenerated and the mobility increased every day – something the doctor told me would not happen. I now have full mobility. It was a horror to be told just live with it.”
Irv Renneisen, Bucks County, PA
22 Year Arthritic Injured Knee is free of pain and completely healed with Advanced Magnetic Therapy Support

Quadriplegic Man Walks Again
“A 47-year-old man lost control of his motorcycle badly injuring his spine, breaking one of his legs and several ribs, leaving him basically quadriplegic, unable to ever walk again with nerve damage so severe, he had very little use of his arms. He was in such pain that he had to use a morphine pump. After visiting over 20 doctors throughout the US who could not help him and told him he would be quadriplegic for the rest of his life, he tried BiomagScience.
He took to the magnets with great interest and started with three METs (Meridian Energy Therapy) daily. He also slept with magnets religiously placed on the sternum and pineal gland [Nightime]. In addition, he drank at least 8 to 10 glasses of Bio-Negative energized water every day.
By the end of three months he began to notice some feeling coming back into his legs, arms and hands. At this point, he still could not shake hands with me. His pains had subsided somewhat, but he continued to use the morphine pump.
He was religious in using the magnets and was dedicated to continuing on with the Meridian Energy Therapy. By the fourth month, he could sit up and do some writing with his hands. By the seventh month, he began to walk and had regained enough strength to look forward to regaining a normal life. However, he still had limited mobility, some aches and pain and continued with the morphine pump.
By the tenth month, he was able to walk to a car and sit up; most of his pain had subsided enough to remove the pump. Within in a year he was brave enough to climb aboard a “Segway” motor bike and take it out for a ride. Six months following this, he actually stood up on his Segway motor bike and drove two miles up curvy roads in the hills in Santa Barbara to show off his returned health and well-being.
This man has normal health again and is back to running his business and leading a normal life.”
Max S., Santa Barbara
BiomagScience Recommendation
For all muscle issues, follow all protocols under the specific medical condition found in the Conquer Pain therapy book.
Get the Wellness Kit which contains the Conquer Pain therapy book and everything necessary for healing support and regeneration of muscle tissue. It may be required to do some of the Advanced Therapies such as the OGE (Organ Group Energizing) therapy or the MET (Meridian Energizing Therapy).
The supplement Ultimate Supplement is excellent for increased mitosis and regenerating tissue especially used with energy therapy.
BiomagScience recommends doing the Advanced Therapies on Page 8 of the Pictorial Guide to help rebuild and revitalize the system to support the healing of any chronic condition, such as an illness or joint repair.
The Wellness Kit is considered by many worldwide as the most important first aid kit to have in the home for those aches, pains, bruises, sprains, burns, bites, or any major health issues that can occur in daily life. It provides the best overall supplemental energy for your family’s daily wellness. Every home should have one for better health and increased longevity.