Femoral Artery Blockage Resolved
Femoral Artery Blockage Resolved
I had sclerotherapy done two weeks ago on my bulging veins on inside of left leg, I bought the circulation enzymes after I was told that the femoral artery was blocked. I am happy to say that the blockage is gone now. I went in for my follow up and they did a ultrasound to make sure that the vein didn’t open up. I took the enzymes as directed for about 2 weeks and then I kept forgetting to take them as directed. The heart palpitations have went away as well! I am so happy! Gayle P. Texas
BiomagScience Recommendation
BiomagScience recommends the Wellness Kit. It contains the A-Z Book/Manual, Pictorial Guide, all the various sized Biomagnets, Water Energizers, liquid Oxygen, bandage, and step-by-step protocols necessary for to help resolve over 180 simple to painfully acute injuries, chronic illnesses, and such medical conditions as Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Candida, MS, Lupus, Malabsorption, etc.
BiomagScience recommends doing the Advanced Therapies on Page 8 of the Pictorial Guide to help rebuild and revitalize the system to support the healing of any chronic condition, such as an illness or joint repair.
The Wellness Kit is considered by many worldwide as the most important first aid kit to have in the home for those aches, pains, bruises, sprains, burns, bites, or any major health issues that can occur in daily life. It provides the best overall supplemental energy for your family’s daily wellness. Every home should have one for better health and increased longevity.