Circulation Increased, Broken Bones Heal 400% Faster, Quadriplegic Walks Again
Truly remarkable – BioMagnets & Circulation Enzymes
I have been a holistic healthcare provider for 25 years, and have had a frustrating circulation problem in my lower right leg for about 20 years. Besides the faithful use of a broad spectrum of quality nutritional products, I’ve tried various other approaches with mixed results. A violent reaction to Melaleuca oil 9 years ago created deep scarring which complicated the problem. The BioMagnets had eliminated the swelling created by a medical procedure my family physician had recommended. I had managed to get the 10 inch area of my lower leg relatively stable, but it remained a gray/black area of concern. Using the Circulation Enzymes with the magnets cleared it up.”
Crushed knees/splintered legs “Walked in 3 months instead of 12, Pain-Free with Biomagnet Therapy”
“Oct 25, 2003 crushing both knees and splintered my two legs requiring screws, bone metal rods in both lower legs. I was told if the injury had been any worse I would have lost both legs. Sent to a large hospital over 100 miles from home.
Operated on 10/28/03 and was told I would be laid up till August of 2004.
I placed 8 Super BioMagnets on the Proper placement of the right leg and 8 on the left leg along with some Regular BioMagnets and 2-stack Power Wafers on ankles, knees and in other places along the legs. Everyday I was asked my pain level from 0 to 10. My answer was always 0 because of the magnets. This was very unusual as all patients required pain drugs.
I went to a nursing home on November 4th to January 21st. During this time, my legs and braces went from a 30 degree bend, then 60, and finally 90 degrees indicating my legs were healing very rapidly. Â On the 21st of January the surgeon said the x-rays showed the legs and knees completely healed and to go home and practice walking.
On January 30th I walked into the nursing home as I promised I would when I left. This made many at the hospital and nursing home amazed at my rapid recovery especially at my age 73.
Today I’m walking without aid!
Amazing recovery!”
Tom W.
Grandmother resolves neuropathy, arterial stenosis of the heart & blood pressure; increases energy and range of motion…
“I have neuropathy of my feet and suffer with extreme pain. Both feet were discolored and covered with sores. At the same time, my blood pressure was out of control and I had frequent infections so my doctor ordered a cat scan of my kidneys. This revealed calcification of my aorta.
My sister put me on the Circulation Enzymes and the CVS therapy with the BioMagnet on my neck during the day. This was all I did. To my surprise my feet improved and the pain greatly subsided. The coloring came back to pink.
Also, after one month, for the first time in 15 years, my neck had more range of motion and felt relaxed. I had had a spinal fusion 15 years ago and had no idea that the area was so stiff until it relaxed.
After three months I had another cat scan and there was no more calcification of my aorta. I am continuing with my program and have added the Foundation’s [BiomagScience] Oxygen product and the Ultimate Supplement (hGH) which has increased my energy, am no longer fighting infections, and my Blood Pressure is lower. I no longer feel like I am falling apart.”
J. N. Mass. 1-06
Was able to heal my heart’s coronary thrombosis
Mr. Alfred Ayers suffered in pain and discomfort. He couldn’t walk more than 100 meters without gasping for breath, and then only aided with his cane. His doctor diagnosed his problem as coronary thrombosis and told him without bypass surgery, he wouldn’t live more than 5 years. Mr. Ayers had neither the money, nor insurance to cover the operation. He was extremely worried and anxious when a close friend encouraged him to wear this “new gadget” called a BioMagnet pendant from BiomagScience [Foundation for Magnetic Science]. That was 1994.
In April of 1995, Mr. Ayers returned to his doctor for a checkup. He was not surprised to find out that his heart condition had healed without surgery or expensive medicines because he could walk long distances now, and climb overpasses with ease and without his cane. Mr. Ayers states,
“At present, I still wear my BioMagnets for maintenance…Perhaps its worth mentioning here that as a bonus, BioMagnets helped me get rid of my arthritis. Thank you BioMagnets.”
Mr. Ayers
Broken Elbow heals rapidly with no pain or swelling with Biomagnet Therapy
“I was riding my bike with some friends while I was supposed to be at work so naturally when my cell phone rang I tried to answer it. You guessed it; over I went and broke my elbow. I knew I was hurt but we had just gotten to the end of my street and my friends had come all the way down from Vermont to see me so I willed it better and continue to head for the bike path on the Cape Cod Canal. About an hour later when the pain really kicked in and I realized I couldn’t move my arm and every little bump in the road sent a chill up my spine; it was time to go home.
My son arrived about an hour later and rushed me off to the hospital where the x-rays showed that indeed I had broken my elbow. The doctor put me in a sling (he told me they no longer did the cast thing) and gave me my instructions and prescription for pain and sent me home with an appointment to see him in his office 2 weeks later.
The minute I arrived home I pulled out my book by Peter Kulish and carefully read about broken bones and how to properly install the magnets in the right place. I was to leave them on for 3 full days around the clock. I know this is hard to believe but I never experienced any more pain and within 2 days I had some range of motion and by the 4th day I could completely straighten my arm!!!! When I went back to my doctor’s office two weeks later he demanded to know what I had done to my elbow. He couldn’t’ believe it. I have to tell you that today, 8 months later; the broken arm is stronger than it ever was. A good friend of mine in California broke her elbow on her bike a week after me and she is still having real problems. I am hooked on these magnets. I keep a full set in a box in my garage just in case.”
Mary O
Plymouth, MA.
Quadriplegic Man Walks Again
“A 47-year-old man lost control of his motorcycle badly injuring his spine, breaking one of his legs and several ribs, leaving him basically quadriplegic, unable to ever walk again with nerve damage so severe, he had very little use of his arms. He was in such pain that he had to use a morphine pump. After visiting over 20 doctors throughout the US who could not help him and told him he would be paraplegic for the rest of his life, he tried BiomagScience.
He took to the magnets with great interest and started with three METs (Meridian Energy Therapy) daily. He also slept with magnets religiously placed on the sternum and pineal gland [Nightime]. In addition, he drank at least 8 to 10 glasses of Bio-Negative energized water every day.
By the end of three months he began to notice some feeling coming back into his legs, arms and hands. At this point, he still could not shake hands with me. His pains had subsided somewhat, but he continued to use the morphine pump.
He was religious in using the magnets and was dedicated to continuing on with the Meridian Energy Therapy. By the fourth month, he could sit up and do some writing with his hands. By the seventh month, he began to walk and had regained enough strength to look forward to regaining a normal life. However, he still had limited mobility, some aches and pain and continued with the morphine pump.
By the tenth month, he was able to walk to a car and sit up; most of his pain had subsided enough to remove the pump. Within in a year he was brave enough to climb aboard a “Segway” motor bike and take it out for a ride. Six months following this, he actually stood up on his Segway motor bike and drove two miles up curvy roads in the hills in Santa Barbara to show off his returned health and well-being.
This man has normal health again and is back to running his business and leading a normal life.”
Santa Barbara
BiomagScience Recommendation
Individuals using the advanced therapies in conjunction with the Circulation Enzymes have reduced their blood pressure, increased their circulation and eliminated their circulatory peripheral neuropathy.
For more comprehensive pain relief, BiomagScience recommends the Wellness Kit. It contains the A-Z Book/Manual, Pictorial Guide, all the various sized Biomagnets, Water Energizers, liquid Oxygen, bandage and step-by-step protocols necessary for to help resolve over 180 simple to painfully acute injuries, chronic illness, and such medical conditions as Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Candida, MS, Lupus, Malabsorption, etc.
BiomagScience recommends doing the Advanced Therapies on Page 8 of the Pictorial Guide to help rebuild and revitalize the system to support the healing of any chronic condition, such as an illness or joint repair.
The Wellness Kit is considered by many worldwide as the most important first aid kit to have in the home for those aches, pains, bruises, sprains, burns, bites, or any major health issues that can occur in daily life. It provides the best overall supplemental energy for your family’s daily wellness. Every home should have one for better health and increased longevity.