Product Description
“The overall deterioration of the body that comes with growing old is not inevitable. We now realize that some aspects of it can be prevented or reversed.” Dr. Daniel Rudman (Researcher of Human Growth Factors)
Energy ● Healing ● Anti-Aging
BiomagScience’s New Ultimate Supplement – Reclaiming Lost Youth & Vitality
As you age, have you noticed the changes in your energy level, the way you look, and how you recover from exercise or injury.
It is primary work of the youth hormone IGF-1 (Insulin-like Growth Factor 1) that maintains youth, vitality and cellular health maintenance. Normally the high levels of IGF- start declining in the 30s and can plummet by 75% or more by the age of 70 and begins to show as…
Loss of muscle mass, weight gain, low energy, thinning hair, wrinkled skin, aches and pains, bone loss…the list goes on and on!
BiomagScience is pleased to announce that due to the striking results in the applied science of DAV (deer antler velvet) natural extract providing direct cellular healing and anti-aging support without the required liver conversion that must occur with hGH, BiomagScience has replaced its liposomal hGH with liposomal DAV.
To ensure the highest quality, BiomagScience has contracted with the World’s leading lab for the purest form of DAV extract in a professional grade (100,000ng) to ensure excellence as a healing and anti-aging dietary supplemental support used separately or with BiomagScience energy protocols. BiomagScience offers it at the lowest discount available in the marketplace.
The Ultimate Supplement provides the Prominent Growth Factors important in enabling your body to function at the higher levels of health and wellness of years past.
Benefits of IGF-1 Supplements
Improved Immune Function
Strengthen your body’s defense system. IGF-1 has been implicated in enhancing the immune response, helping your body fight off infections and maintain optimal health.
Anti-Aging Properties
IGF-1 possesses qualities that combat the signs of aging. By promoting cell renewal and tissue repair, IGF-1 helps in maintaining a youthful appearance and supports longevity.
Support for Joint Health
IGF-1 has been shown to support joint health by promoting the repair of cartilage and reducing inflammation, which can alleviate discomfort and improve mobility for a more active and pain-free lifestyle. Additionally, balanced levels of IGF-1 play a crucial role in keeping organs healthy by maintaining cell health and the vitality of tissues, which is essential for overall health and the prevention of conditions like diabetes.
Cognitive and Mood Enhancement
Beyond physical benefits, IGF-1 supplements have been associated with cognitive and mood improvements, contributing to better mental clarity, focus, and overall well-being.
Boosted Energy Levels
Experience a natural surge in your energy levels. The central nervous system plays a crucial role in regulating energy levels, ensuring optimal performance and cognitive abilities. IGF-1 plays a critical role in regulating metabolism, ensuring your body efficiently uses energy, which can lead to increased stamina and vitality.
Enhanced Muscle Growth and Strength
Insulin-like growth factor 1, or IGF-1 is a potent factor in muscle repair and devel-opment. Essential amino acids play a crucial role in muscle repair and development, enhancing body functions and promoting muscle recovery after training. By stimulating protein synthesis and reducing protein degradation, our supplements help in building lean muscle mass, gaining more muscle mass, enhancing muscular strength, and improving body composition.
Benefits of the additional Ultimate Supplement Growth Factors
The following additional Prominent Growth Factors in the Ultimate Supplement support the health promoting benefits of healing, joint, connective, nerve tissue repair, anti-aging, increased energy & vitality, better sleeping, cellular youth and division:
Insulin-like Growth Factor 2 (IGF-2)
Complements the actions of IGF-1, supporting further development and muscle mass increase, and plays a role in the body’s metabolic regulation, aiding in the maintenance of tissue health and function. IGF2 Could Lead to Memory Drug Click Here to View Article
Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF)
EG is involved in the healing of wounds and damaged skin, EGF promotes cellular renewal and proliferation, which is crucial for maintaining healthy skin and tissues.
Fibroblast Growth Factors (FGFs)
These factors are key players in the development and repair of the skeletal system, skin, and various organs. FGFs also support nerve regeneration, offering potential benefits for neural health and recovery.
Transforming Growth Factors (TGFs)
TGF-alpha and TGF-beta have been shown to play significant roles in tissue regeneration, immune regulation, and the promotion of healthy cell differentiation, adding another layer of therapeutic potential to IGF-1 supplements.
Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF)
Essential for the formation of new blood vessels, VEGF supports efficient oxygen and nutrient delivery to tissues, enhancing overall vascular health and aiding in the repair and regeneration of muscles and other tissues including impaired small blood vessel function.
Nerve Growth Factor (NGF)
NGF is crucial for the growth and survival of certain types of neurons. It can help in improving cognitive functions and supporting the body’s nervous system.
Supplement Facts
“I would like to express my deepest gratitude for IGF-1. I am 54 years old and until now I have suffered with chronic fatigue, depression and insomnia. After being on IGF-1 for less than 1 month, my energy levels are back up and improving more every day. I once took 3 naps per day just to function, I do not need naps anymore. I once needed prescription sleeps aids, now I sleep all night long without medication, thanks to IGF-1. It is hard to put into words all that IGF-1 is doing for me, so I will just say I feel like a new man with vitality that I have not felt in 25 years.”
Chester K.
“I have been using this product for quite a while, [stopped – then restarted]… am back to feeling healthy again, and my skin, hair and nails have returned to a much healthier condition. Thanks for such a great product.”
Ed R.
“Hi! I thought I would let you know how much your product has helped me… about 3 months now and have seen significant improvements with my health. I’m 33 yrs old, mother of 3, and have Crohn’s disease and Rheumatoid arthritis. I had a very bad flare up at the beginning of the year, in which I could barely walk or keep any food down. Now I am able to function normally and take care of our busy household as if I didn’t have this disease. I just wanted to let you know how well it has been working for me and to say THANK YOU!!!”
Heather C.
“The biochemistry behind the ingredients in IGF-1 Plus™® is sound and extensive. The emerging documented cardiovascular cellular research should certainly justify, to western scientists, centuries of ancient and modern Chinese medicinal usage….”
L. A. Ph.D., MD
“This stuff really does work! Both of my rotator cuffs have healed up 100%. I can work out and train whenever I want to. My heart is good, and my cholesterol is good. Blood pressure is regulated to normal, no blood sugar problems, no appetite problems. Great burst of energy when working out, no dizziness. No WEIGHT problems. In fact, I feel even better now that I’m lighter at 6ft. 195’. This will kickstart your body and turn everything around. If you have any health issues, please give this a try… I highly recommend “…
Stacey B.
“… I am a 74 year old post-Polio survivor, and IGF-1 has given me more relief and benefits than any product I have tried. I also have high sugar that used to range from 180-210, now my sugar is steady at 130. As an experiment I went off IGF-1 for one month to see if it was doing all this good for me. My pain and loss of mobility returned until I began to use IGF-1 again. IGF-1 is truly a wonderful product, thank you for developing this miracle worker!”
Edith B.
“I’m a 43 year old female. I’ve been taking the IGF-1 Plus™ 10, 000ng for approximately 2 months. My skin has never looked smoother. Fine lines disappeared and my energy has returned. This product is amazing! I would recommend this product to anyone out there young or old.”
Julianne L.
“…IGF-1… as a natural food supplement …will be capable of fulfilling dreams…and create a sense of hopefulness in those patients who are considered hopeless by conventional medicine…A truly amazing product with absolutely no adverse reactions.”
James DF. MD
“… I am fifty-four years old and have been exercising and taking nutritional supplementation for many years. I was recently introduced to IGF-1 and have been taking it for three weeks. Although I have been working out six days a week for the past several years, I have recently noticed an increase in upper body muscle tone and overall strength and endurance. I have also noticed that the minor stiffness that I daily experienced upon arising in the morning is gone. My body feels stronger with an overall feeling of wellbeing. I can only attribute these changes to the addition of IGF-1 to my supplementation program, as this is the only change that I have recently made. I do not know what further benefits I will receive from taking IGF-1 daily. If you are willing to try something new with the possibility of improving your health and wellbeing, I would recommend trying this product.”
William G.
1 These statements have not been evaluated by the Drug and Food Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.
So far I’m having amazing deep sleep and dreaming again and that happened within the first week. After years of not. I’m doing 3 sprays 3 times a day. I tried another brand and felt off my sleep was terrible and was having anxious dreams. This hGH is the best.
Thank you Filomena for the order and review!
I started using the hGH growth hormone at age 77, shortly after having heart issues. I started a well needed diet and began doing Yoga and Pelotes at the gym. The benefits started becoming obvious over time. I started noticing improved energy and vitality and better concentration together with good weight loss slowly over time. I’m 79, I dance, bike ride, and have lots of energy. However the most obvious was restored hair growth. I had been experiencing a receding hair line and now I have a full growth of hair. All these things are working together for an active and healthy life. I look and feel younger and I’m loving the experience.
Thank you for sharing your results Edward!