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Chronic Shoulder and Neck Muscle Mobility and Pain Resolved

“At the end of last year, my daughter and I had serious conditions. I had torn an upper muscle in my shoulder and despite all the therapy; it hadn’t healed in a year. I couldn’t lift it without major pain. While my 17 year old daughter had been undergoing therapy for over a year and […]

Poison Ivy: in 5 Minutes the Burning and Itching was Gone

“Poison Ivy SPRING TIME! It feels so good to be outside, working in the garden. But watch out for the poison ivy! Some poison ivy got me on the arm Sunday and a rash erupted. I could not fall asleep last night (Monday) because of the burning/itching. Then I remembered the remedy from BiomagScience. I […]

Which Side of a BioMagnet to Use?

It Matters! Our Rare Earth Biomagnets are properly focused Negative (-) and/or Positive (+) Polarity. This is a very important factor because the response of the individual magnetic poles has differing effects on the physiology of the human body. NEGATIVE or geological North is always marked with the Negative symbol (-) and/or colored green. The […]

Will Biomagnets Work For You

Peter A. Kulish, Founder Statement about Biomagnetics “All of our BioMagnetic applications used throughout the world have shown excellent, rapid results.”   “Simply, when used correctly, magnetic fields have shown to elevate the cell’s vitality and as a response, the body moves in a very progressive, positive trend toward health.”   “Besides the normal day-to-day […]