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Scoliosis and Spinabifida Pain allieviated with BioMagnet Therapy

“For years I had awful pain from scoliosis and spina bifida in my lower and upper back, especially when sitting. I tried everything including painful therapies: acupuncture two to three times a week; special Chinese massage which almost left me an invalid; Reiki energy healing which lessened the pain temporarily; physiotherapy; Ancient Mexican therapy; a […]

Sciatica pain free, finally sleeping, increased circulation

“I wish to let you know that your bio-magnet technology is helping me a great deal. I’ve been using the bio-magnets for about a month now and I’ve seen definite results which I want to share with you and your staff. I started using the magnets for my sciatica condition. I’ve been wearing the Regulars […]

Ruptured Ear Drum Pain Resolved

A woman with a terrible ear pain in the middle of the night was taken to urgent care where she was diagnosed with a ruptured ear drum. They gave her Tylenol and prescribed a $300 course of antibiotics which she could not afford. The Tylenol wasn’t doing anything for the pain so contact was made […]

Poison Oak

BiomagScience Recommendation Individual covered on arms and legs with red active poison oak uses 50 drops of BiomagScience Activated Oxygen mixed together with 1/4th cup of Bio-Negative Structured water and applies to the skin for immediate relief of itching and within 45 minutes is completely resolved. For more comprehensive pain relief, BiomagScience recommends the Wellness Kit.  It contains the […]

Overcoming EHS (Electromagnetic Hyper Sensitivity) to EMF

I owe my sanity to BiomagScience Magnet Therapy. I now know I am extremely hypersensitive (EHS) to electromagnetic fields (EMF) & wireless technology but have found a simple way to effectively manage it. I don’t wear EHS as a badge of honor but as a testimony that YOU REALLY CAN HEAL YOUR BODY from EHS […]