Wellness Kit sale: $149.95 get it now for only $105.00!  Discount code: wellness105

Hepatitis B infection

Six years ago, Mr Lin, the Vice-President of an Air Cargo company, developed complications due to Hepatitis B infection. He had a Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) index that was three orders of magnitude greater than normal. At the National Taiwan University Hospital, he was prescribed with interferon-alpha treatment under the guidance of Dr. Lai. […]

Hair color is returning with your biomagnets

“I’m writing you today to share an incredible benefit I didn’t expect from wearing two power wafers in what I believe is the CVS location. I started to wear the of the two Power Wafers, stacked, on the CVS location for general vitality and 24/7 EMF protection. Well, not only do I feel better, but…. […]

Glaucoma Pressure Normalized

“I’ve been having so much success with the biomagnets. I must thank you. The pressure from glaucoma reduced from dangerous to normal in just five days.” D.P. New Mexico   BiomagScience Recommendation BiomagScience recommends the Wellness Kit.  It contains the A-Z Book/Manual, Pictorial Guide, all the various sized Biomagnets, Water Energizers, liquid Oxygen, bandage and […]

Gingivitis and plaque disappear

“I have had many problems with my teeth as I have been smoking for years. Gingivitis and plaque were a constant problem. In between dental appointments I started drinking energized and on my next visit there was no plaque build up. Also I broke my elbow skiing and the Dr. told me I would be […]

Frequent Flyer Fatigue – Able to finally fly in comfort

“Peter – thank you for posting this. I just wanted to add that I typically feel horrible on airplanes, disoriented, motion sick, brain fog, tightness, fatigue, particularly on take-off and landing. I am happy to say that on our most recent trip (VA to CA and back again) I felt so much relief with the […]